Thursday, October 15, 2009

My father married again

His name Ningrum, we are friends since junior high. I was class president and she was his secretary. He was cheerful and his son quite beautiful for a girl of the present criteria. Especially when her long hair loose. Waow ... tempting charms.

Unfortunately he was engaged. He said with one profession friends. Now he's living as an English teacher at one elementary school in the country Siwalan, Pekalongan. Monday to Friday and if he teaches weekend he attended the IKIP Pekalongan. He was so friendly greeted me when I was playing to his house.

There was no speech that appeared in the lateral line and the sadness in his face mimic. His expression was always friendly, just like before during our junior high. Had he not been engaged, would have shot him. SSssst ... meaning will reveal these feelings to him. Though he is my best friend's boyfriend, Riyadi.

Several times I was playing to his house. Who see only her mother. I do not know where her brothers and father. After graduating from junior high school, I was just playing to his place only once to pass the STM. And when I return home from overseas in order Silaturrahim and happened to coincide with Eid I was playing to his house. Yet again the meet and greet is He, his sister and mother.
Eventually I was unable to bury these feelings. Reveal to him ...

"Ning, ... ...?" I called him.
"What sir?" He replied with melodious.
Cess .. direct voice dripped into my heart, cool .... Cold taste. Moreover, we were alone. Once again I say we were alone and only 2 cups of tea accompanied by warm bread and a tin can Khong Guan.

"I want to ask....?" I tried dared to ask.
"What's wrong sir ..? How come you do not like the usual! "He was such a hurry to know what to say.
"Actually I wanted to ask about ... .. eeh .. eh .. eh!" I'm nervous. And could not get out the words of my mouth is.
"Come quick to say, really ah .. eh .. ah .. er ..!!" He started forcing me to quickly say.

"Excuse me, several times I came to greet you, just you meet me? Or just brother and mother. Where are the others? "
He paused. As if my words like eruption of Merapi in the afternoon which made him unable to speak. And my question seemed to surprise her.
"Why do you ask?"
"Yes, it just surprised."
"Actually I do not want to tell .. but if you want to promise I akn tell?"
"I promise!" I said.

"My father married again sir.!" He said, looking down.
"Hahhhh ..!!" I shocked with those words.
"Yes .. sir. He is now live in Jakarta with his young wife. "
In my heart I muttered, "If permitted, would lend you my shoulder to lean on. But I only Ningrum friend. "

"No wonder I never saw it. What to say and do to be able to entertain you, O my friend? "I asked innocently.
"Just you this secret and frequently call alone would be enough, Sir." He said still with downcast eyes and sobbed so slightly swollen.
"Insya Alloh Ning." I said curtly.
Since it was overcast afternoon and I was saying good-bye. In addition to pursuing maghrib time.

"Do not be sad yes Ning. Hopefully we can take a lesson from this incident. Amen. Assalamu'alaikum. "
"Wa'alaikumsalam .." she said.
We was parted in the evening ....


  1. sekarang postingnya pake bahasa inggeris yak hebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

  2. Salam Cinta Damai dan Kasih Sayang
    ‘tuk Sahabatku terchayaaaaaaaank
    I Love U fuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  3. (maaf) izin mengamankan PERTAMA dulu. Boleh kan?!
    belum baca semua...

  4. uenaaaaakkkkeee puoooollll.. kabooooooooooorrrrr

  5. Dasir, your friend,Ningrum, is a girl right??
    Hmmm, I can't give comment for this case. Hope ALLAH always give the best in every step of her life, amiin...

  6. Dasir, kenapa yah, kalau dikau update di tempatku enggak perah tampak tuh, nama mu tuh selalu di bawah tempatnya. aneh deh, padahal dulu aku udah pernah coba add di blogroll, tapi teteeuuup gak ngaruh juga....

  7. ntr aku cari om gugel translate dulu.... gak ngerti kang dasir.....

    padahal ma ceritanya pasti menarik tuh....
    hiikkkss.... sayang ora mudeng kalo pake bahasa luar....

  8. mampir kang dasir... btw komen keberapa ne aku

  9. Is this true story? Because I'm afraid to say something :) this is sensitive matter u know.
    Thx visitting my blog :)

  10. @kangaoed
    Wong cuma ditranslate pake google kang..hehe..salam
    Sabar kang..kangboed kalau sedang onfire memang sulit dilawan..makasih
    @rita susanti
    Aku g tahu kak..she's not my girl..she's only my friend sister
    Monggo yang..kamu ketinggalan jauh ma kangboed n alamendah yang..
    Yes, it is, friend
    Thanks for your visit..

  11. Ini postingannya pake bahasa inggris ya... mmm... beneran pake bahasa inggris? :D

    salam kenal :)

  12. @fitri
    Iya Teh..gak papa kalo mbak bhs banjarnya apa ya Tuan Putri?

  13. @zico alviandri
    Pinginnya..tapi mbah google translatenya kurang beres..akhirnya..hehe

  14. I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment.
    I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading.
    Nice blog. Keep in touch ...
    I will keep visiting this blog very often.
    please come to my blog..

  15. @black automotive
    Thanks your visit brother..n regard
    @aldrix the brandals
    Thanks friends for your support
    Its true sister....thanks ya

  16. ceritanya bagus. Pasti tokoh utamanya sangat kecewa dengan keputusan ayahnya menikah untuk lagi

  17. @mapuc
    Hatur nuwun pak atas supportnya..salam
    @attaya bertuah
    Yah jangan nangis ya pak..maaf
    @henny c.prasetya
    Sedih mbak..aku jg trt sdh..makasih mbak ya..

  18. Wadoh...tuh bapak-2 kok gak ngalah ama kita yang muda-2 neh...Kan jadinya kita gak kebagian?

  19. Cerita nyata bro?
    Jujur neh, kirain tadi dpat job nge-review hehe....

  20. @humorbendol
    Daftar juga belum disetujui kang..enaknya daftar yg mana ya kang?Paypal jg blm punya..daftar dulu ah..hrs cepat2 biar bs gnti uang ngenet nih..

  21. duh dasir, bundo agak susah klo berurusan sama basa inggris

    menurut bundo, bila sudah terjadi sang ayah menikah lagi, ikhlaskan saja.. marilah terima dengan lapang hati.. mungkin malah terjalin silaturrahim yang indah dengan keluarga ayah yang baru

    ikhlas itu sulit, tapi bisa bila kita mau..

  22. @nakjadimande
    maaf bundo..ini kisah sahabat dasir bundo bukan ayah dasir..kalau ayah dasir sudah tujuh puluhan masa nikah lagi,,hihihi..APA KATA DUNIA?

  23. Manstaaaaaaaaaabbbss.. inggeris cuuuuuu..

  24. Salam Cinta Damai dan Kasih Sayang
    ‘tuk Sahabatku terchayaaaaaaaank
    I Love U fuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  25. makin hebat aja mas Dassier.. mpe bingung saya komengnya

  26. berkunjung.
    salam kenal ya.
    itu kisah nyatakah?
    hmmmm...bingung. :-)

  27. @kangboed
    Komeng pke bhs sunda aja kang..kan dasir nanti jg bgng..hehehe..salam
    @lindu aji
    Salam kenal jg mas,,iya mas...

  28. wah inggrisku kacau kang, tapi kok merit lagi?

  29. malem kang dasir.... gi apain..???
    mana lagi postingannya..??

  30. @tony
    Aku jg kacau pak..alhmdlhnya ada mb gugle taransalate..
    Belum sempet yang..ini gi ngetik..salam

  31. wah kadit itreng kang he he, semangat trs dech

  32. @sang cerpenis bercerita
    Iya mbak kasihan..alhamdulilahnya ia sudah menikah sekarang, jadi ada yang menghiburnya..
    Planet Bumi juga kang..hihihi


Sahabat katakan sesuatu untuk dasir..perkataanmu kan memotivasiku untuk terus berkarya...

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