Thursday, October 15, 2009

Increases Rank Blog in Alexa with Post

A blog which is new it is of course has not famous. Excelsior rank our blog hence blog we would increasingly famous. Then what is the its the relationship with Alexa? We of course knew is that Alexa?

In Alexa, blog which we registered there will be assessed then is compared to blog or other web. Then she will give our blog rank. Like some few days ago Alexa releases rank web and blog whole world and in Indonesia. Where Google and Facebook still residing in rank 1 and 2.

Then how much/many rank our blog in eye Alexa? Rank my blog now alhamdulillah have been 530.657. What with rank your blog?

Question of possible simple often at my liver and possible also friend of all are How to increase rank our blog in Alexa?

I am not a master blog. So I don't know any kind of becoming criteria Alexa in giving rank to our blog.

But in this article I would a few giving news that increasingly often we update our blog with newest article and article hence rank blog we would increasingly rising. That is simply analysis wong tunjung.

But in reality of course that way. Formerly ranking my blog in Alexa 4 millions of in the beginning of making. But after often update now alhamdulillah have been in number 530.657 . Besides with updating our blog with newest article. Alexa also will increase ranking our blog increasinglyly the many comment in our blog and increasingly the many visits to our blog. Again analysed wong tunjung.

Always how to multiplying visit and comment in our blog?
To multiply visit and comment of the answer is by writing interesting article and often pays a visit and remark in blog others.

Again this analysed wong tunjung is not a result of research of master blog. So doesn't directly is believe. Dasir will enquire, Blog we might not will in comment of others if our own do not want to comment? Might possibly. Heheheehehe…

Like an expression : More and more we given hence would more and more we receive.

Only this which dasir able to laid open, because dasir is not man who pintarSemoga this simple article is of benefit to dasir especially and for friend of all in general.

Best Regards For All…

*Karena saya tak pandai berbahasa Inggris maka artikel ini merupakan terjemahan menggunakan Rekso Translate 2. Jadi Mohon maaf saja kalau banyak kesalahan. Secara dia mengartikan kata perkata tanpa memperhatikan grammer.


  1. Congratulations. I hope this value will give more passion for blogging.

  2. @kerja keras adalah energi kita
    thank toou very much sir..Regard

  3. sama saya juga ndak ahli menyoal blog apalagi alexa, sopo to iku?

  4. @namaku wendy
    Alex tukang jamu..*gak mungkin!*hihiih

  5. wah makin ramping aja miss alexanya ...
    selamat ya ...
    tetap semangat ...

  6. @abula
    makasih kang semoga makin semangat..amin

  7. Mantab kang.. Alexa saya masih gendut :(

  8. @sang cerpenis bercerita
    Terima kasih mbak..
    Sabar mas..dulu punyaku juga gendut..
    salam kenal dan terima aksih atas kunjungannnya..jangan bosan ya..

  9. mg2 cepet mengecil tu alexa kang, ayo maju terus


Sahabat katakan sesuatu untuk dasir..perkataanmu kan memotivasiku untuk terus berkarya...

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